Isnin, 4 April 2011

Actually....Kerja Umah Memberi Manfaat OR Mnyusahkan Pelajar?????

Adalah ni kan...ginilah..sya ad terbaca satu artikel nih...but this article is in english...sya mls skit nak, jom mantapkan english kita!!! yeah!! hahaha...just read je k??? Entahlah knapa sejak kebelakangan ni sya asyik bc artikel yg ad ketan ngn ibu bapa aje...utk masa depan maybe??? hahaha..just kidding...but..sya just nak share je, drpd artikel nih, sya punya pendapat la kan...anak2 akan lebih menonjolkan prestasi yg baik dlm sekolah sekiranya mereka dpt sokongn drpd ibu bapa drang...stuju x?? oleh itu, sebagai ibu bapa, mesty mempunyai byk inisiatif dlm memberi sokongn kepada anak2 drang...

antra 1 drpdnya ialah melalui keja umah anak2....btl tak??? hihi so, jom bc artikel ni....sya kasi ringkas2 je la k??? 

persoalannya ::: how can a parent optimize their children's learning experience without jeopardizing their own sanity?

Understand the Purpose of Homework

Understanding the purpose of homework is essential. Homework is simply an extension of the work students are doing in class. It is meant to reinforce what they have learned by giving them an opportunity to practice and apply newly acquired knowledge outside of the classroom. As a bonus, it also teaches children valuable life lessons about discipline and responsibility. By overseeing your children's homework, you have a direct window to see what your child is learning every day. Remember, homework is meant to review material already learned and should never be used to introduce new concepts. If you feel that this is happening, it is important to talk to your child's teacher.

Developing Responsibility and Organizational Skills

Having a set time and place to do homework is a great way to develop responsibility and organizational skills in your child. Make sure that they have a quiet environment to work in and all the materials they need are provided. Make yourself readily available to answer questions or keep your child on task, but don't offer help that isn't asked for. Periodically check on your child to let them know you care about what they are doing, but don't hang over them while they work. Part of the lesson homework strives to teach is independence. When you do offer help, make sure that you facilitate your child arriving at the solution. Never supply answers to your child even in the guise of helping them finish faster. If a fellow student were to give your child the answer to a problem in class, you would call it cheating. Doing your child's work for them not only voids out all the educational benefits, it does little to teach them the value of integrity.

Monitor Assignments

While you shouldn't do your child's homework, it is important to help them keep track of their assignments and check to see that their homework is completed each day. If the teacher doesn't send a homework sheet home, buy your child a notebook or calendar and teach them to write down assignments and due dates. If more than three days pass without homework being assigned, call the teacher just to make sure your child isn't missing any assignments. Clear and constant communication with your child's teacher keeps misunderstandings at bay and optimizes your child's learning experience.

Letting Your Child Accept the Consequences

What if you have done everything suggested and your child still doesn't finish their homework? Don't make excuses for them. Letting your child accept the consequences of their missing assignments can go a long way in teaching them to be responsible. If you call the teacher and make an excuse for the unfinished assignment, you have just sent a message to your child that no matter what they do or don't do, Mom or Dad will bail them out. I once had the parent of a fifth grader ask me not to penalize her son because he consistently failed to bring his math book to class. She felt I shouldn't mark him down because it was her fault for not putting the book in his backpack. I wonder if she will be as eager to make excuses to his boss someday if he doesn't show up for work or take responsibility for his bills, should he fail to pay them?

So, para ibu bapa sekalian...jangan buat keja umah tuk anak2..biar drang buat sendri..tapi, kta sebagai ibu bapa, haruslah memberi tunjuk ajar kat drang...and, pantau keja umah drang stiap kali drang balik dr skul...bila amaln ni owez dilakukan, si anak akn terbiasa ngn situasi ini n tak mustahil, kat umah pun drang bleh study..not just sleeping n eating jer...hihih...
k lah..tu je yg sya nak share..sya dpt artikel ni dr gak tjuk2 dlm, law nak tgk2, bukak je lman web yg sya boldkan tue..k?? tata